
Personal Injury... What are Section B Benefits & Who Is Entitled To Them?

Many people think they only have access to Section B benefits if they did not cause the motor vehicle accident.  This is NOT correct. Section B benefits are no-fault. This means they are available regardless of whether you were at fault for the accident.

Tara A. Miller, Q.C. February 2021

Who Is Entitled to Section B Benefits?

Many Nova Scotians do not know what “Section B” benefits are and who can access them. Section B benefits provide treatment and financial assistance to those injured in a motor vehicle accident. Generally, anyone injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident is entitled to Section B benefits. This includes people injured by a motor vehicle while a pedestrian or riding a bicycle.

A driver or passenger injured in a vehicle makes a claim for Section B benefits through the auto policy of the vehicle they were in. A pedestrian or bicyclist hit by a vehicle makes a claim for Section B accident benefits through the auto policy of the vehicle which hit them.

Am I Entitled to Section B Benefits If I Am At Fault?

Many people think they only have access to Section B benefits if they did not cause the motor vehicle accident.  This is NOT correct. Section B benefits are no-fault. They are available regardless of whether you were at fault for the accident.

What Section B Benefits Am I Entitled To?

Section B  benefits are intended to support people injured in a motor vehicle accident receive immediate access to medical treatment to assist with a timely recovery and also provide some income loss support.  The benefits cover many things and include:

Future MDW Law blog posts will provide more info about Section B in the coming weeks. This will help make sure you do not lose out on valuable resources for treatment and financial assistance in the aftermath of an accident. If you feel you have not received Section B benefits you are entitled, then please consult our personal injury team for a free consult to review your situation.

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